SYDKA Token Roadmap

The SYDKA Edu-Crypto is a long term, ongoing project. We do not have the exact time frame for the following milestones, but we will endeavour to achieve them one by one as time, finances and our abilities permit.
- Launch of SYDKA Token (19/10/2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Listing on PancakeSwap (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Tutorial about Wallets and Importing SYDKA token (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Telegram Group (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Twitter account (Pre-October 2021) [Completed: Link ]
- Promotion on Twitter and Facebook etc., (October 2021 – ongoing) [ Link-1 ] [ Link-2 ] [ Link-3 ] [ Link-4 ]
- Website designing changes (November 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Existing and ongoing project: Short online courses on different subjects on Sydka Learn (pre-launch projects, Pre-October 2021) [ Ongoing: Link ]
- Video tutorials, for example: How to buy BNB and then SYDKA tokens, etc., [ Coming… ] [ Link-1 ] [ Link-2 ]
- Video presentation about SYDKA Edu-Crypto project [ Coming… ]
- BscScan detail update [ Completed in November 2021: Link ]
- CoinMarketCap listing [ Coming… ]
- Coingecko listing and others [ Coming… ]
- Coinbase non-tradeable listing [ Coming… ]
- Sydka App [ Coming… ]
- Small exchanges (low fees) [ Coming… ]
- Top 10 exchange listings (e.g., Binance, Coinbase etc.,) [ Coming…]
- Establishing Online University [ Coming… ]
- Establishing Physical universities (building and running) in different parts of the world [ Coming… ]
- Using SYDKA token as one of the currencies to pay salaries and tuition fees etc., [ Coming… ]
- Establishing our own crypto exchange, wallet and SYDKA will be used as a currency for fee etc., [ Coming… ]
- SVAP (SYDKA Verified Addresses Pool) Database [ Coming… ]