SYDKA Tokenomics
Each transaction charge is distributed as follows:
What is SYDKA Token and the motivation behind it?

SYDKA is a token that focuses on education through cryptocurrency. This Edu-Crypto project will help to establish educational institutions/universities (Online and Physical) and to make various forms of knowledge (including knowledge about cryptocurrency) accessible to everyone around the world, regardless of background or privilege.
The token will highlight the positive role of cryptocurrency in the education sector, thereby showcasing the positive effects of this Edu-crypt project on all fields of work (e.g., I.T, Engineering, Medicine etc.). SYDKA token will be used as one of the currencies within these educational institutions to pay salaries and tuitions fees etc.
This has been a dream of SYDKA’s founder for many years, to leave a legacy of knowledge. The SYDKA team aims to leave behind knowledge that will benefit people in all parts of the world. They believe education is the key to changing the world. Nothing else will ever have the same impact or difference – nor will it ever have a lasting effect. A scholar may pass on knowledge to a student and it continues like a ripple effect throughout generations.
SYDKA’s founder believes education should be for everyone, from any background and any walk of life, and be accessible at any time. The SYDKA team aims to educate from the very foundation and allow their followers to build their knowledge up step by step, at their own pace. They hope they can truly change the world, with this small contribution towards an everlasting knowledge base.
It is very important to establish SYDKA’s own blockchain, wallet and exchange for its effective use around the world. It will revolutionise the way educational institutions are run and how students are supported. It will provide a chance to other educational institutions around the world to utilise the modern and latest technology to overcome their difficulties and challenges faced in modern times.
The SYDKA team aims to establish an independent SVAP (SYDKA Verified Addresses Pool) Database where genuine crypto users are registered with their true identities along with all their contract/wallet addresses they use for their personal or business use. This will not only give security to general users when trading on different platforms but will also help law enforcement agencies around the world to crack down on illegal activities.
(The Journey and Transparency)

- Launch Date: 19 October 2021 [ Link ]
- Start/Initial price: $0.0001 per SYDKA Token
- Token usage: Access, Discount, Payments
- Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
- Exchange (Buy/Sell/Swap): [ Link ] [We will apply for more exchanges as soon as possible]
- SYDKA Token BscScan contract address is [ Link ]: 0xda01d3d7f6b7d7d314e038bda5c950aa3b7f2179
- SYDKA Token Tokenomics:
- 3% Liquidity wallet
- 3% Project Development
- 3% Redistribution to all holders
- Total supply – SYDKA Token: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion) [ Link ]
- Circulating Supply – SYDKA Tokens: 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion) (10%)
- Locked Total SYDKA Token = 900,000,000,000 (900 Billion) (90%)
- Locked SYDKA Tokens at DxSale = 458,955,453,893.5656 [ Link: DxSale Lock Certificate ]
- Locked SYDKA Tokens at Team.Finance = 441,044,546,107.00 [ Link: Team.Finance Lock Certificate ]
- Locked Total Liquidity: 45,134.606303 Cake-LP Tokens (100%)
- Locked Liquidity at DxSale= 20309.7046027009 LP Tokens [ Link: DXSale Lock Certificate ] [5 Years]
- Locked Liquidity at Mudra = 24822.9723 LP Tokens [ Link: Mudra Lock Certificate ] [5 Years]
- All Time High: $0.000205540 (between 19/10/2021 and 08/12/2021) (105% increase since Launch date)
- Current Price: Live Price Char [ Link ]
SYDKA Token Distribution (100 %)

SYDKA Token Roadmap
The SYDKA Edu-Crypto is a long term, ongoing project. We do not have the exact time frame for the following milestones, but we will endeavour to achieve them one by one as time, finances and our abilities permit.
- Launch of SYDKA Token (19/10/2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Listing on PancakeSwap (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Tutorial about Wallets and Importing SYDKA token (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Telegram Group (October 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Twitter account (Pre-October 2021) [Completed: Link ]
- Promotion on Twitter and Facebook etc., (October 2021 – ongoing) [ Link-1 ] [ Link-2 ] [ Link-3 ] [ Link-4 ]
- Website designing changes (November 2021) [ Completed: Link ]
- Existing and ongoing project: Short online courses on different subjects on Sydka Learn (pre-launch projects, Pre-October 2021) [ Ongoing: Link ]
- Video tutorials, for example: How to buy BNB and then SYDKA tokens, etc., [ Coming… ] [ Link-1 ] [ Link-2 ]
- Video presentation about SYDKA Edu-Crypto project [ Coming… ]
- BscScan detail update [ Completed in November 2021: Link ]
- CoinMarketCap listing [ Coming… ]
- Coingecko listing and others [ Coming… ]
- Coinbase non-tradeable listing [ Coming… ]
- Sydka App [ Coming… ]
- Small exchanges (low fees) [ Coming… ]
- Top 10 exchange listings (e.g., Binance, Coinbase etc.,) [ Coming…]
- Establishing Online University [ Coming… ]
- Establishing Physical universities (building and running) [ Coming… ]
- Using SYDKA token as one of the currencies to pay salaries and tuition fees etc., [ Coming… ]
- Establishing our own crypto exchange, wallet and SYDKA will be used as a currency for fee etc., [ Coming… ]
- SVAP (SYDKA Verified Addresses Pool) Database [ Coming…]
SYDKA Token Projects
There are two types of projects undertaken by the SYDKA team. One is short-term and the other is long-term.
In the short-term, SYDKA Token will support the existing and ongoing projects of Sydka Learn ( Sydka Learn is used to provide short online courses on different topics and subjects. It will be further expanded to cover all types of subjects.
There are multiple long-term projects that the SYDKA team aims to undertake and the list is as follows:
Online University
The aforementioned and existing short-term project of Sydka Learn will be turned into a long-term project of establishing an Online University. It will be accessible to everyone from all parts of the world. It will cater for both scholarship and paying students and SYDKA token will be used as one of the currencies to pay tuition fees and salaries for the staff etc.,
Physical University
The SYDKA team wishes to establish physical universities where men and women have their own separate campuses. There are certain parts of the world where women cannot get a higher education because of money, travel or a co-education system etc. SYDKA will create and provide a unique opportunity for women where there will be female students only in all departments and they will be taught by female teachers/instructors at all levels. These institutions will be completely run and managed by women. This will truly educate and empower women in all fields of life.
SYDKA Mobile Apps
The SYDKA team will develop mobile apps for their different services and products to make it easy for their users. The apps will also allow their users to use some of the content offline to help them in countries where there are internet bandwidth or download speed problems.
SYDKA Blockchain and Exchange
SYDKA aims to have its own blockchain and exchange. SYDKA blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger that will facilitate the process of recording transections and tracking assets in SYDKA network. An asset can be tangible (such as land, cash, a car or a house and books etc.,) or intangible (such as branding, patents, copyrights, images, videos and intellectual property etc.,). It is used to reduce risks and to cut costs for all involved. Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traced on a blockchain network.
One of the best things about crypto exchanges is that everyone can take part in trading and investing in any project with very little money and there is no special or high monetary requirement for it. SYDKA exchange will aim to add more countries and fiat currencies so that all parts of the world can contribute to this emerging market. Registration will be sorted with the relevant authorities.
SYDKA Verified Addresses Pool (SVAP)
SYDKA will establish the first ever independent SVAP database. The SVAP will be used in order to protect crypto users from all kinds of illegal activities such as; stealing crypto assets, money laundering and other criminal activities. The SVAP database will also help law enforcement agencies of all countries to track and trace the illegal activities.

SYDKA Token's Partners
The following organisations are happy to use SYDKA Token as one of the currencies for their products and services:
● Haji Tours Birmingham (Saffa Travels Ltd), United Kingdom
● CreamySu Ltd, United Kingdom
● Dudley Gas Station Ltd, United Kingdom
● Stag Chemist, United Kingdom
SYDKA Token Leadership Team
Track SYDKA on:
Buy SYDKA at:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a SYDKA Token?
It is a crypto currency which focuses on education and it is a community project.
Who is the SYDKA Token team?
Community members and all stakeholders are part of the SYDKA Token team.
What can SYDKA Tokens be used for?
SYDKA Tokens can be used to establish online and physical universities. They will also be used as one of the currencies in our educational institutions.
How can I participate in the SYDKA Token project?
You can participate by simply buying SYDKA tokens and holding them. You can also participate in it if you invite and inform others about this project.
What will be taught at SYDKA Online International University?
All subjects that are taught in a modern university.
Where will the SYDKA universities be established?
This will be decided at the time when we have enough funds to establish a university.
How to set up Metamask wallet and Import the SYDKA Token
Follow Step-by-step tutorial [ Link ]
What is the contract address of SYDKA Token?
Where can I buy SYDKA Tokens?
They are currently available for sale at [ Link ]
How can I buy SYDKA Tokens?
Step 1: Transfer BNB to your wallet (Metamask/trust Wallet)
Step 2: go to [ Link ] and connect your wallet there.
Step 3: Paste the contract address of SYDKA Token in the “To” section and import the SYDKA.
SYDKA contract address is:
Step 4: Swap your BNB to SYDKA.